11/29 – Gaza Monologues (hosted by Al Límite Collective)

Wednesday Nov. 29th  at  7:30 pm Let’s Stand Together for People in Gaza! Fundraiser and Action – part of a Global Reading of The Gaza Monologues.  This event is hosted by Al Límite Collective at Be Electric Studios (1028 Grand Street Bushwick Brooklyn) AND on zoom! 

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gaza-monologues-tickets-764841079257

Due to the horrific war taking place in Gaza, Ashtar Theatre launches an urgent request to all its friends and theater makers around the world to publicly read or perform The Gaza Monologues on November 29th, 2023; The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People – a significant day for those who value justice, equality, and freedom for the Palestinian people. The Gaza Monologues are testimonies written by ASHTAR youth in 2010, after the first war on the Gaza Strip. Tragically, these Monologues are still accurate today. They are highlighting the horrors, hopes and resilience of the courageous Gazans to a wider audience, bringing out the voices of children and people in Gaza.

Al Límite Collective returned from Palestine in October 2023 after participating in the Feminist Theatre Festival at The Freedom Theatre in Jenin Camp, where we devised a piece with 4 Palestinian actors about the unifying struggle of women’s rights movements around the world. Our time in Palestine was a powerful one and in addition to the daily organizing, calls to action, demands for a permanent ceasefire the amplification of Palestinian voices and those affected by genocide around the world, we believe art serves as a powerful and important tool in the radical act of storytelling.

We stand in solidarity now and always with anyone experiencing oppression under a brutal regime.

This is also a fundraiser for ASHTAR Theatre’s mental health resources in the West Bank: ASHTAR Theatre is launching an intervention in the West Bank, Palestine, providing immediate relief to express and mitigate the traumatic impact of the current war on Gaza. In parthership with Palestinian psychologists, ASHTAR will deliver psycho-social interventions for children, youth and adults using theatre and art as a medium for trauma release in schools & youth centres.