1/12/23 – TOYBOX – live at Jalopy

Thursday January 12th at 8pm Boxcutter Collective is excited to host TOYBOX Live at Jalopy Theater!

All the way from Asheville, North Carolina, Boxcutter Collective has summoned Toybox, America’s Favorite Cartoon Witch -and he’s headed this way to show you what he’s got! Boxcutter will open the show, warm you up, and then hand you over to Toybox who will regale you with a series of stories that will send you through a full gamut of emotions. You will laugh, you will cry -Maybe at the same time! Guaranteed, you have never seen a show quite like this. 

TICKETS HERE: https://www.viewcy.com/e/the_boxcutter_collect_2

Toybox is an award winning entertainer who has won many fan favorite and best of fest awards, been funded by the Jim Henson Foundation, and won an UNIMA Citation for Excellence In The Art of Puppetry. He will be bringing a show which has been described as “an inexplicable combination of puppetry, storytelling, stand up comedy and clown.” 

You can follow TOYBOX THEATRE on facebook, youtube, and twitch to find out more!